'Teaching and learning should bring joy'

Whenever my motivation for teaching is running low, or worse, when I feel I’m heading for burnout, my go-to YouTube video for some inspiration is Rita Pierson’s Every kid needs a champion . Even though her context is different from mine, I believe there are underlying principles of the teaching/learning dynamic that are universal. Relationships Rita tells us that teaching and learning is about human connections. No matter how much thought we’ve put into our curriculum and courses, or how great our materials and tasks are, if we cannot build that all-important rapport with our students, it’s likely that not much learning will take place. To me, this relationship between the teacher and students is more than just about being liked, although that is a good base to establish. It’s also about building trust and showing empathy. This is especially important with those students who seem most resistant to us. Rita reminds us to seek first to understand rather than to be understood....