Research Abstract Analysis

The following is an analysis of a research abstract in terms of rhetorical moves and language features. It is a response to a task set on a course (2021) with the University of Glasgow. The source for this analysis is: Basturkmen, H., Loewen, S., & Ellis, R. (2004). Teachers' stated beliefs about incidental focus on form and their classroom practices. Applied Linguistics , 25 (2), 243-272. Rhetorical situation The authors are considered experts in Applied Linguistics and Language Studies. They have (individually) published articles, papers and books on topics in ESP, EAP, second language acquisition, and TBL, to outline just some of their output. Two work at universities in an Australian and New Zealand context (Curtin University, Perth, and the University of Auckland), and one in an American context (Michigan State University). Applied Linguistics is a journal that aims to make connections between language research and real-world issues. It is aimed at the ‘wider Appl...